Intro: Google Pixel Watch with Assistant Search Fallback
Challenge + Response

Role: Design Lead for Assistant Search Fallback
XPA Teams > Android, WearOS, Pixel, Speech, NLU, Assistant, Fitbit and many more
Launched: 2022

I was tasked to lead the overarching design solution for Search Fallback on Pixel Watch that stemmed from our previous launches on Smart Displays. Search fallback is one of the main customer user journeys targeted for the Pixel Watch launch. To achieve a high caliber there were 3 areas identified…

  1. Reduce Search Fallback over triggering

  2. Improve UX for Search Fallback Results

  3. Ask for confirmation before going to search

In addition to overall improvements, Pixel Watch and other watch devices have a small form factor and short user attention span (about 7 seconds or so). This means that we need to tune the response size to the screen size and attention span.

Our collaborated XPA and cross-functionary with multidisciplinary partners to establish core principles and design patterns that serve the most relevant and visible content for your watch display.

Part I: The investigation begins…

There are 4 main UX improvements we need to make based on our research:

  1. Optimize layout for form factor - Where is the URL accreditation displayed, how long is the snippet text, what is the Assistant specific visual elements.

  2. Provide 2 results instead of 1 - this will increase the response size even if we shorten a single response as is requested in A.

  3. Provide an escape hatch that allows users to open AGSA on their mobile device. This should be a last resort option.

  4. Use TTS to set expectation- TTS will create transparency around why and what Assistant is sharing.

Part II: Design

There were many facets to the design challenge. Firstly, we looked at the amount of content and variation of blue links that should be displayed on device by testing with our user base. Research has shown that users by in large want to stay on their watch, if they are issuing a query from the device. Based on that insight, it’s important that the Assistant offers them content in the fallback experience and if that offering fails, we provide an escape hatch to AGSA on their mobile device 

  • Use the establish SRP information architecture 

  • Display the first three blue links and their snippets

  • Move the link to the bottom, to elevate the title

  • Provide an escape if all else fails

Additionally, the TTS (conversation design) for Search Fallback should transparently communicate why users are hearing this response and set expectations for results. The below also maintain consistency across the experience on smart display.

  • I don’t know, but I found these results on Search

  • I don’t know, but here’s what I found on Search

  • I don’t know, but here are the first $number results I found on Search

Because concision is a design principle of TTS on Rohan, returning users could hear a briefer intro:

  • Here are the first $number results I found on Search

Part III: IA and Infrastructure

Lastly, we looked at what results to show and the architecture in which to show it on device that made the most sense for the small form factor. Luckily, we enabled TTS to read aloud the results if a user happens to not notice or look away from the screen.

Search infrastructure: The interface will render 2–3 “Blue Links” that are not actionable, as there is currently no browsing experience. Web Answer / Flex infrastructure: The interface will render 2–3 Web Answer queries from the “People also ask” module.