Intro: Amazon Stickers
Challenge + Response
Role: Lead Designer > Shaun Post
Credit: Product Manager > Rory Partalis
Developed: 2017; iOS & Android (Amazon Mobile)
Wish you could view that canary yellow stand mixer in your kitchen before you ordered it? Want to know if those throw pillows will work with your living room color palate? Amazon Stickers has you covered!
Customers can now see and manipulate items from the Amazon Catalog in their own space. Simply fire up Camera Search in the Amazon Mobile app, and click on the Stickers icon. Here you’ll be able to choose from pre-populated, curated Stickers from Interesting Finds and other items within the Amazon catalog to explore and “paste” into your own camera view.
As we like to say "It's only Day 1". So stay tuned for more updates and delight!
Article: Mashable Copyright 2017
Part I: The Investigation Begins...
What is this you speak of? Stickers! Not any ordinary stickers, but product stickers that represent hundreds of products available on Amazon through Interesting Finds. This first launch - our goal is to give Customers the ability to see "roughly" how products fit in your space (not to scale obviously) but aesthetically. Much more than that, to create a platform that enhances the shopping experience.
Of course we did our homework. You didn't think we would actually create the same thing as everyone else, did you? Silly! What I can tell you is that the one biggest difference is our stickers are actual products on the Amazon catalog that you can BUY! I won't give all the secrets away, but here's a bit of the research we looked into and how many competitors are actually in this space.
Here are 4 categories of stickers that seem to be the bulk of what others have been developing over the past year.
Set in motion...we launched in less than 2 months! You heard me right, from concept to fruition was less than 2 months. Building the framework for something much larger, more distinguishable, and unique. I can't show you plan, but trust me when I say this will be AWESOME! For now...have fun with Stickers, Shop, and Share with your friends. You'll be surprised how addictive they can be!
Part II: Design
Leading the conceptualization of this project was amazing. Complete creative freedom to give customers the most simple and robust solution. I started designing how our catalog would function. First launch I set my goal on 12 categories of 30 products each; just over 350 product stickers to pick from.
Mocks, mocks and more mocks. There were hundreds of iterations that we went through to get to where we are right now. With only 2 months of design and development time, our team had to make some hard decisions and cut specific features for later releases. Like any good product you roll with the punches.
Lots of presentations, but getting a lot of great feedback! As our teams began to build and present around Amazon the more curious others were. By the time we launched late May, we had interest from a variety of teams within the Amazon community! Unexpected PR was a huge help that we did not expect. This a great start to a very delightful feature, but remember it's only Day 1.
Part III: Ship It and Repeat!
How will customers react? From the articles below, you can certainly tell everyone is confused....but very interested! Instead of testing the feature throughout development we decided to adapt a new methodology and gain feedback from launching immediately to hear what our customers had to say.
We're constantly refining, building new features, and improving tech. There's no question that version 1 was a good start to lay the foundation, but we have big plans for this little feature that we hope everyone will enjoy. See the endless possibilities!
It's only Day 1...can't say much, but stay tuned for more to come! Here's what the press is saying about us.